Metaverse - AIFF Session 5: Unmasking the Impact of AI on Social Media
Enter the dynamic realm where AI converges with social media in AIFF's latest session: "Understanding the Impact of AI on Social Media." As our digital landscape undergoes transformation, AI plays a pivotal role, reshaping how we converse, deliver and consume information.
Join us as we navigate the AI landscape in social media, with our speakers shedding light on concealed algorithms and demystifying the intricate forces guiding your preferred platforms. From unravelling the secrets of content magic to revealing AI's influence on information dynamics, this event provides you an exclusive pass to the intricacies of social media.
Max Rascher - Founder of ShapeX | Top 27 AI Industry Thought-Leader | Multinational Speaker
Tobias Zwingmann - Managing Partner of RAYPD.AI

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Join us as we navigate the AI landscape in social media, with our speakers shedding light on concealed algorithms and demystifying the intricate forces guiding your preferred platforms. From unravelling the secrets of content magic to revealing AI's influence on information dynamics, this event provides you an exclusive pass to the intricacies of social media.
Max Rascher - Founder of ShapeX | Top 27 AI Industry Thought-Leader | Multinational Speaker
Tobias Zwingmann - Managing Partner of RAYPD.AI