29 Feb | 09:30 - 09:32
In a dark baroque circus a Clown presents himself as the king of human temptations.
Unsuspecting spectators will witness a show interrupted only by the arrival of mysterious creatures.
An unprecedented battle for ?control? will begin.
Treta is considered as the third evolutionary age by ancient Indian scriptures.
The age at which the mind begins to control matter, towards a greater good.
In Spanish it simply means "Joke".
Duration: 0:02:50
Country of origin: Italy
Language: English
Project type: Animation, Short
Genre: sci-fi, fantasy, ai generated
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Film Color: Color

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Unsuspecting spectators will witness a show interrupted only by the arrival of mysterious creatures.
An unprecedented battle for ?control? will begin.
Treta is considered as the third evolutionary age by ancient Indian scriptures.
The age at which the mind begins to control matter, towards a greater good.
In Spanish it simply means "Joke".
Duration: 0:02:50
Country of origin: Italy
Language: English
Project type: Animation, Short
Genre: sci-fi, fantasy, ai generated
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Film Color: Color