Inside Expo The Rich History of the Majlis2

Duration: 00:19:02
In Khaleeji culture, the proverb goes, “Al majalis madaris” or “The majalis are schools”. The majlis is a space for people to come together and learn, listen, and rest. It still exists... More
In Khaleeji culture, the proverb goes, “Al majalis madaris” or “The majalis are schools”. The majlis is a space for people to come together and learn, listen, and rest. It still exists... More
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In Khaleeji culture, the proverb goes, “Al majalis madaris” or “The majalis are schools”. The majlis is a space for people to come together and learn, listen, and rest. It still exists today around the Arab world. In today’s episode, we look at the rich history of the majlis in the UAE and how its values have been instilled in the spirit of Expo 2020 Dubai. And everyone's invited.
This podcast is by Expo 2020 Dubai and produced by Kerning Cultures Network.