Innovate with Purpose Detecting Dementia Early On2

Duration: 00:16:10
When Jurij Dreo read a book entitled, ‘Electric fields of the brain: the neurophysics of EEG’, he was quite happy to see that there are people out there that share his convictions when it... More
When Jurij Dreo read a book entitled, ‘Electric fields of the brain: the neurophysics of EEG’, he was quite happy to see that there are people out there that share his convictions when it... More
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When Jurij Dreo read a book entitled, ‘Electric fields of the brain: the neurophysics of EEG’, he was quite happy to see that there are people out there that share his convictions when it comes to how the brain should be studied. It always seemed like a small wonder to Jurij that one is able to pick up a small EEG device and get a recording of what the brain is doing.
Today, Jurij is the co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of a company called BrainTrip, based in Malta. BrainTrip is innovating quick and accessible screening tools for early detection of dementia. In today's episode, we're exploring Jurij's disruptive innovation and the challenges of having a startup in the medical sector.
This podcast is by Expo Live, produced by Kerning Cultures Network.