10 Dec | 06:00 - 09:15
University Innovation Programme Final Pitch
Expo Live's University Innovation Programme incentivizes creative thinking, problem solving and collaboration between university students to address global issues. It is a competition for students to apply with their innovative ideas and concepts on how to solve social or environmental challenges that are relevant to the UAE and the Middle East region, it's an opportunity for students to receive a grant of AED25,000 to take their project to the next level.
The University Innovation Programme initiated its third cycle in September focusing on climate related solutions in alignment with the UAE's year of sustainability. The programme generated significant interest, receiving over 350 applications from 36 universities in the UAE. Following a thorough selection process and a pitch workshop, we have shortlisted 20 student teams to pitch for the grant at COP28.
10:00 - 12:30 GST: Pitch Sessions
12:45 - 13:15 GST: Awarding Ceremony

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The University Innovation Programme initiated its third cycle in September focusing on climate related solutions in alignment with the UAE's year of sustainability. The programme generated significant interest, receiving over 350 applications from 36 universities in the UAE. Following a thorough selection process and a pitch workshop, we have shortlisted 20 student teams to pitch for the grant at COP28.
10:00 - 12:30 GST: Pitch Sessions
12:45 - 13:15 GST: Awarding Ceremony