AIFF Session 4: Composing melodies: How AI enhances the creativity of sound design, scoring & voice in film production
20 Dec | 14:00 - 15:00
AIFF Session 4: Composing melodies: How AI enhances the creativity of sound design, scoring & voice in film production
Explore the wonderful world of sound and music in film! Join us as we unravel the magic of AI in transforming melody composition and elevating the art of sound design, scoring, and voice in film production. Don't miss out on the chance to create harmonious symphonies using the latest technology, reserve your virtual seat now!
18:05 GST: Timo Kunz, Co-founder & CEO of AudioStack.ai
18:45 GST: Alex Mubert, CEO at Mubert
Expo City Dubai
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Explore the wonderful world of sound and music in film! Join us as we unravel the magic of AI in transforming melody composition and elevating the art of sound design, scoring, and voice in film production. Don't miss out on the chance to create harmonious symphonies using the latest technology, reserve your virtual seat now!
18:05 GST: Timo Kunz, Co-founder & CEO of AudioStack.ai
18:45 GST: Alex Mubert, CEO at Mubert
18:05 GST: Timo Kunz, Co-founder & CEO of AudioStack.ai
18:45 GST: Alex Mubert, CEO at Mubert